
Farmington Elementary Student Registration

Welcome to Farmington Elementary! We are ready to help you complete the registration process.

Step 1:

Print the following forms, fill in the information and then bring completed forms to the school office.

Kindergarten Only

Step 2:

Visit the office to complete registration. 
Office Manager: Gina Wood (
Office Hours: M-Th. 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
School Phone: 801-402-2950

Required documents to bring to the Farmington Elementary Office:

-Acceptable Use Agreement
    *this document needs to be signed by the parent AND the student. To do this you need to log onto the parent myDSD account and the student myDSD account.
    1. click on the 'Home' tab
    2. click on the 'Acceptable Use Agreement' folder